Natural Stomach Soothers

Even if you try to be careful about what you eat, the temptation of modern life do not always encourage a healthy diet: fast food at an airport, chips and dip at a party, cake at a wedding, too much food at any time. When you do overindulge, there are gentle, natural remedies for burning in esophagus, calming your stomach and your heartburn:
  • Papaya contains enzymes that helps speed digestion, and also provides vitamins C and E. The tablets are easy to use.
  • Anise seeds can be chewed to relieve indigestion. They are also effective against respiratory infections.
  • Ginger is a powerful stomach soother that reduces spasms and cramps - just don't take too much, or it can cause even more stomach distress. If the fresh root is not available, make a tea of the dried powder. Some people use candied ginger to prevent seasickness.
  • Fennel relieves abdominal pain and dispels gas, and is especially good for relieving an acid stomach. It also promotes liver, spleen, and kidney function.
  • Peppermint, a popular flavoring agent, can ease distress in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. It also stimulates the appetite.
  • Aleo vera soothes the stomach and provides a gentle laxative effect. When used extremely, it is an excellent burn and wound healer.
  • Catnip aids digestion. Despite its stimulating effect on cats, this herb tends to relieve stress and promote sleep in humans.
  • Fenugreek lubricates the intestines and acts as a laxative. It also contain vitamins A, B, D.
  • Charcoal tablets, available in health food stores, can absorb gas and toxins from the intestines. They can also absorb medications and nutrients, so take them separately, and do not use them for long period of time.

Hard-to-digest sugars are responsible for the flatulence and bloating that can occur after you eat legumes and other gas-producing vegetables. In this case, try Beano, an over-the-counter digestive aid that breaks down the offending sugars, and thus reduces gas production. If you make beans a regular part of your diet, your system will eventually adjust to them and produce less gas.

Source: Heartburn and what to do about it by Dr.James F.balch and Dr. Morton Walker